Eye Health & Nutrition
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Is there a link between Eye Health & Nutrition?

Eye health is related to what you eat good nutrition is important

Date Published Monday, September 7, 2015 A few dietary changes can go a long way to preserve healthy eyes - Good nutrition helps your vision and overall health Author: Gerald Quigley

Does what I eat affect the health of my eyes?

Vision change is a sensitive barometer of nutritional status of eye tissue. Specific nutrients have enormous relevance to healthy eye structures, thereby enabling their efficient function. There are a number of general dietary principles for better eye function. These principles will supply chromium, vanadium, folic acid, lipoic acid, methionine, vitamins A, C, E and B2, quercetin, zinc betacarotene and carotenoids.

  • Increase your consumption of sprouted grains like mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, as well as pre-soaked grains like sunflower seeds.

  • Raw, fresh nuts and seeds have many health benefits, e.g. walnuts, pecan, brazil, almonds and sunflower seeds.

  • Eat more natural yoghurt, buttermilk and soft-medium, boiled, free-range eggs.

  • Use olive oil in all salads instead of commercially-made salad dressings.

  • Vegetables containing these nutrients include broccoli, cauliflower, celery, sweet peas, lettuce, turnip, sweet corn, cabbage and spinach.

  • Fruits with great nutritional value for our eyes are lemon, lime, pineapple, apricot, fresh figs, grapes, peach, banana, dates, pawpaw, cantaloupe, berries and honeydew melon.

Age-related macular degeneration affects the tiny, central portion of our eye, which is called the macula. It's caused by a number of issues affecting the back of our eye and might cause the blockage of central vision by dark or empty spaces, straight lines appearing distorted or wavy, images becoming blurred, and colours becoming hard to distinguish.

The impact on our quality of life is almost indescribable. Reflecting on an inability to read, to enjoy television and to lose a driving licence, creates an empty world.

Antioxidant nutrients, many of which are part of in-season fruits and vegetables listed above, do play a part in minimising risk. Specifically, vitamins C and E, zinc and copper are essential. They play a role in providing nutrients to the macular region of the eye, playing a significant role in defending the eye against free radical damage in the macular region, retina and lens.

Our eyes deserve this care.

Gerald Quigley Pharmacist and Master Herbalist

Gerald Quigley is a Community Pharmacist and media health commentator who actively seeks to empower people to take responsibility for their own health. Gerald’s additional qualification as an Accredited Herbalist enables him to adopt a holistic approach when offering advice on health matters. His website contains a great deal of helpful information ... http://www.geraldquigley.com

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Eye Health and Good Nutrition

The human eye is not too complex an organ, but it is sensitive and delicate. It is the mind's camera on the world. The causes of poor sight are many. Trauma, disease, infections, and aging all can take a toll on good sight, but the one thing everyone can do to help maintain good vision is to have good nutrition. The research is in, and a few dietary changes can go a long way to preserve healthy eyes.

Understanding the basics of eyesight is important. First, the cornea focuses most of the light through the lens. Behind the cornea is the iris that adjusts incoming light with its circular structure by constantly contracting and expanding. The lens is surrounded by small muscles that contract changing the lens to see close objects. The muscles relax to see distant vistas. After the light passes through the vitreous humor, it is ready to be received by the retina. There, at the innermost point, millions of cells transmit through the optic nerve vision to the brain.

Proper eye nutrition is also good for overall health. The following list is based on decades of research and the experience of ophthalmologists.

For good eye health increase consumption of these foods:

Another good eye healthy food choice is sprouted grains. The most popular are alfalfa and mung bean sprouts. Yogurt, buttermilk, and organic eggs are considered good food choices. Fresh raw nuts, especially almonds, Brazils, pecans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds, add to the inventory. Using olive oil is much better than store bought salad dressings.

Presbyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, corneal diseases, retinal problems, macular degeneration, and more are disorders that are made worse with poor nutrition.

Antioxidants, found in the food list above, minimize eye health risks. Zinc and copper rich foods from the list are essential for good eye health. Vitamins and other supplements are widely available, but are not a good shortcut to get the nutrition your eyes need. However, in some cases they may be needed when other complicating conditions exist. In that case, always consult a doctor before starting a regimen.

Here is the good news; good eye healthy nutrition is good for the whole body. Anyone who is suffering with eye disorders can, by eating well, slow or stop further degeneration. Following doctor's orders and treatments is the first and most important step. Good eye nutrition is something you can control, and the benefit is keeping that precious mind's camera on the world healthy and working at its best.

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Lifestyle Plus wish to express their thanks to practicing Community Pharmacist and accredited herbalist Gerald Quigley for his generous support.