7 Keys to Living a Simple and Satisfying Life
Friday, August 7, 2015 - Author: Deena Staples
Many people believe that living a satisfying life requires one thing: money. However, just the acquisition of money can be a very stressful venture leaving one to question if money really is what is needed to "buy" satisfaction. Here is a list of seven simple things that you can do, without having to rob a bank or take on an extra job, to help you to live a more satisfying, yet simple, life.
1: Get more exercise!
When a person exercises they naturally release the same endorphins that are released when eating chocolate, having sex, and getting a great big hug. You don't need all kinds of fancy equipment to start this step. Get out there, take a walk, go for a swim, take a dance class or learn how to ski.
2: Find a creative outlet
People need to be able to express themselves. Journaling, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, or gardening can all help you to make this expression. Do it every day for 10 minutes and see how much more exhilarated you feel!
3: Help someone else
One of the best ways to feel happier with our circumstances is to help others make it through theirs. Whether it's raking a loved one's leaves or volunteering at a soup kitchen, serving those who are less fortunate always seems to make those who do it feel good.
4: Keep your home clean and tidy
It seems like a tidy home, is an organized home. If this is something you struggle with, make yourself up a schedule. Your house doesn't have to be eat-off-the-floors clean, just clean enough to make things easy to find and easy to look at. When a person feels organized, often times it trickles down to other avenues of their lives.
5: Join a group
Whether it is a book club or a church spending time with others is good for your soul. Being part of a group offers you support and satisfaction and can offer you laughs when you are feeling down and comfort when you are feeling alone.
6: Get plenty of rest!
Know that groggy feeling you get when you've had just a couple of hours of sleep? Well, 6-8 hours of sleep in recommended for all adults every night. If your sleep tank is running on low, you are guaranteed to feel dissatisfaction. If you struggle with insomnia try to remember that you should stick to a bedtime routine. Your routine should not include anything that will cause your mind to stay active such as watching TV of checking social media on your handheld device. A good sleep routine might include a nice soothing bath or shower with a little lavender oil in the water, and a warm glass of tea followed by some soft music. Also, going to bed the same time every night is important. Your body will not sleep if you do not teach it how to!
7: Spend a few minutes each day in quiet reflection
For some this may mean meditation, for some it may mean prayer, and for others it may simply mean finding a special quiet spot in which to clear one's mind and simply concentrate on just breathing in and out. So many times as humans we feel the need to have noise in the background all the time. Radios, televisions, and devices make up so much noise that we forget the importance of simply just sitting with ourselves. Try it out for just 15 minutes a day and see how it improves your mood! Furthermore, if fifteen minutes is tough to find, just simply take time at the beginning or end of each day to reflect on all the good things in your life!
So there you have it! Seven important changes you can make in your life to improve your satisfaction level that don't cost a thing! Try them out one at a time or do them all at once! Just remember, simplicity is the key!