How to have a Happy & Healthy Life
The key to a happier, healthier life is to accept the reality of present moment and be of service to others. Imagine a world where everyone was genuinely kind to one another and helped without self-interest. We waste too much energy and make ourselves sick worrying about the future.
A Journey in Pursuit of Happiness
How many people have managed to find true happiness? How many of us are still looking for it daily? When we think about finding anything there are three key factors to consider; What, Where and How. Let's explore together and see if they can help us find real happiness, shall we.
Transforming Depression into Happiness
When you are depressed, it's harder to find pleasure in things. In my own life, depression diminished my ability to engage in my job, a job I had wanted since I was 12 years old. Start by asking yourself what you are good at. Do you have a natural ability to do some things really well?