Multivitamins: Good or a waste of money?
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Do I Really Need A Multivitamin?

Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great source of natural vitamins and essential minerals

Date Published Thursday, August 20, 2015 Sleep and Meditation help build happiness - The Simple Life is way to discover real Joy Author: Faye H.

In a perfect world, we would get all of the nutrients that we need from our food. If you get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from your diet, then there will be no need for multivitamins. Unfortunately, researchers estimate that 90 percent of people are not getting the nutrients that they need from diet alone.

People today are very busy and often eat while they are on the go. Foods that are at fast food restaurants and convenience stores are typically lacking the nutrients that one needs. Overcooking food can also deplete the nutrients that are inside of it.

As strange as it may sound, it is possible to eat regularly and still be malnourished. Malnourished is defined as having a lack of nutrients in one's body. Food today is not as nutritious as it was in the past, which is why malnutrition is becoming more common in developed countries.

Furthermore, even if a person is eating healthy, they still may not be getting the nutrients that they need. That is why most people will benefit from taking a multivitamin. However, it is always a good idea to speak with your doctor before you add a multivitamin to your regimen. This is especially important if you are taking a medication. Multivitamins can sometimes interact with medications.

There are several reasons you may be able to benefit from taking a multivitamin. Below is a list of some of those benefits:

Your Digestion May Be Poor

Even if you are eating healthy, your body still may not be digesting the food properly. If food is not digested properly, then your body will have a much harder time using the nutrients inside of it. Not chewing food properly and eating food too quickly can contribute to poor digestion.

You Have Probably Taken Antibiotics Before

Antibiotics are one of the wonders of modern medicine. Infections that have been fatal in the past can now be successfully treated with antibiotics. Despite the fact that antibiotics have saved lives, they do have their disadvantages. Antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria. If the good bacteria in the intestinal wall is destroyed, then the body will have a hard time absorbing B vitamins.

Some Beverages Can Deplete Vitamins And Minerals In The Body

There are a number of beverages that have been shown to deplete nutrients in the body. Beverages like tea and coffee can cause inflammation around the digestive lining. This can make it harder for the body to absorb vitamins and minerals.

Alcohol is another beverage that can interfere with nutrient absorption. Excessive alcohol intake can damage the pancreas and liver. Excessive alcohol intake can also increase your body's need for the B vitamins. That is why people who consume alcohol are more likely to become malnourished.

You May Be Stressed

People today are more stressed now than ever before. In fact, 44 percent of people have reported that their stress level has increased within the past five years. Physical and emotional stress can increase your body's need for vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Your Nutritional Needs May Be Changing

There are several things that can affect your nutritional needs. For example, if a woman is pregnant, then her nutritional needs are higher because she has to support growing baby. Teenagers also have an increased demand for nutrients because of the growth sports that they are experiencing.

The elderly may need additional nutrients. Many elderly people are taking medications that deplete the nutrients in their bodies. The secretion of digestive enzymes also has a tendency to decrease as one gets older. Additionally, chronic illnesses can decrease nutrients in the body.

Low Body Reserves

Many people have trouble storing certain nutrients in their body, such as vitamin A and vitamin E. Some studies suggest that as much as 30 percent of the population may have low reserves of vitamin A. A vitamin A deficiency can be very dangerous.

Vitamin A helps keep the mucous membranes and skin healthy. It also helps protect the vision.

You Are Very Active

Exercise increases your body's demand for nutrients. People who are active need more iron and vitamin C. They also need more of the B vitamins. Getting the right amount of nutrients will help improve your performance.

Food Allergies

Food allergies are becoming more common. In fact, it is estimated that 15 million people in America have a food allergy. People who have food allergies are at an increased risk of suffering nutritional deficiencies because of their food restrictions.


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Previous page: Adequate Nutrition is Essential for Good Health Next page: Vitamin Deficiency

Multivitamins: Are they a waste of your money?

Three studies have revealed that the intake of multivitamins does not help in boosting the health of the average American. According to these studies, taking multi vitamin pills daily did not help to prevent heart problems or prevent memory loss. Multivitamins are also not associated with a long life span. These studies were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and concluded that multivitamins were the same as placebo pills. However, many scholars recommend the daily intake of multivitamin for health. This paper seeks to explore some aspects of multivitamins to conclude whether they are good or a waste of money. Some people definitely do get health benefits from taking nutritional supplements. Take me as an example, the back pain I suffered with for more than twenty years has been totally gone for the past five years thanks to Cellgevity, a glutathione boosting supplement.

What is a Multivitamin?

The human body needs a constant supply of vitamins and minerals to work properly and stay healthy. A multivitamin like Max N-Fuze provides most of these nutrients in form of a refreshing, tangy orange flavored drink that is so convenient and easy to consume.

Benefits of Multivitamins

Poor Digestion: Inefficient digestion prevents your body from absorbing vitamins. The main causes of poor digestion are eating quickly and not chewing sufficiently. As a result, the food particles are larger than normal hence complicating the work of your digestive enzymes. Multivitamins help to resolve the issues of indigestion.

Poor absorption of nutrients also occurs in people with undiagnosed Celiac Disease. Due to gluten intolerance the small intestine does not work properly. Initially these people need multivitamins to help redress damage done to their digestive system from gluten.

Alcohol: Regular consumption of alcohol causes damage to the pancreas and liver, organs that are associated with metabolism and digestion. It also damages the intestinal tract and disrupts the absorption of essential nutrients resulting in malnutrition. People who use alcohol regularly need the B group of vitamins, mainly niacin, folic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine and vitamins A, B12 and C. All these nutrients can be provided by taking a daily dose of multivitamins.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking irritates your digestive tract and increases your need for Vitamin C for metabolic requirements. Vitamin C can be provided by multivitamins to offer a healthy immune system.

Laxatives: The excessive use of laxatives causes poor absorption of minerals and vitamins from food. Mineral oils and paraffin increase the loss of fat soluble nutrients such as Vitamins A, K, D and E. Laxatives also lead to a loss of essential minerals like sodium, potassium and magnesium. Multivitamins supplement these nutrients.

Fad Diets: Junk foods lead to a deficiency in Vitamins. Some vegetarian diets also lack in essential nutrients such as vitamin B12. Multivitamins can be used to give a balance diet for those who take fad diets.

Overcooking fresh ingredients: Reheating of vegetables and meat or over cooking normally oxidizes heat susceptible nutrients like vitamin B, C and E. Multivitamins compensated for the lost nutrients in overcooked meals.

Food Storage: Freezing of food that has vitamin E reduces its nutrient level when it is defrosted. Foods that contain vitamin E can also be damaged by excess heat. Moreover, most of the main sources of vitamin E such as oils and bread are highly processed and the vitamin E levels are very low. Multivitamins contain vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant and prevents oxidative damage of tissues.

Food Allergies: Some people are allergic to foods containing lactose, gluten or other significant nutrients. Multivitamins supplies these necessary nutrients, especially for people who have Celiac Disease. Because of gluten intolerance these people's small intestines can't absorb nutrients.

Accidents and Illnesses: Multivitamins provide necessary nutrients for persons who have been involved in accidents or have suffered illnesses. Burns cause you to lose proteins and nutrients such as vitamins. Surgery increases your need for nutrients such as zinc and vitamin E for cellular repair. Broken bones need a good supply of vitamin C and calcium for a quick recovery.

Pregnant women: Pregnant women rely on multivitamins to cater for their high demand for nutrients that are essential for the growth and development of the baby. The main nutrients that are required during pregnancy are the B group of vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, all of which can be supplied by multivitamins.

The Elderly: Older people need minerals and vitamins to help them stay strong. The main deficiencies facing the elderly include folic acid, vitamin C , Vitamin B and fiber. Lack of these nutrients could lead to impaired senses, poor digestion, physical impairment and chronic diseases. Multivitamins intake by the elderly helps them remain healthy while preventing or delaying aging symptoms.

Risks Associated With Multivitamins

Less Responsibility: Over reliance on multivitamins makes people less attentive to what they eat. It is important to acquire most of the nutrients from natural foods than from multivitamins.

Excess Nutrients: The main risk associated with the intake of multi-vitamins is that you are likely to take excess amounts of a certain element. If you over indulge in some vitamins, can damage organs such as the kidneys, blood vessels and could also increase your chances of suffering from osteoporosis.

Do you Really Need Multivitamins?

Studies show that people mainly take multivitamins for their overall health and to compensate for nutrient gaps. Apart from fish oil, the consumption of multivitamins is highly recommended for a good immune system whether you are eating right, working out, an elderly person or an invalid.

The kind of multivitamin you need depends on your situation. Pregnant women need multivitamins that are high in iron and folic acid to guard against birth defects. Seniors need multivitamins containing vitamin D for bone strength. You should avoid multivitamins that contain 100% of all essential nutrients because as mentioned earlier, this can lead to vitamin toxicity. Consumers are advised to choose multivitamins based on their age, sex and nutritional requirements.

In conclusion, multivitamins are not miracle workers but are essential for proper health. Therefore, you need multivitamins to supplement your diet. However, multivitamins should be taken along with a healthy diet and lifestyle to realize their benefits. It is also worth noting that multivitamins should be taken based on your personal needs.

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